Orchard Hill Christian Preschool and Child Care Handbook
Dear Preschool and Child Care Center Parents,
My staff and I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Orchard Hill Christian Preschool and Child Care Center. When you enrolled your child(ren) in our program, you also joined a ministry of the Orchard Hill Reformed Church. We hope your affiliation with the church and Preschool and Child Care Center is lasting and enriching, and your whole family will remember it.
The purpose of the Orchard Hill Christian Preschool and Child Care Center is to create a permanent and positive experience for the Christian community through social, physical, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual growth within the context of the church. That purpose should guide all of us – parents, children, and staff in everything we do. Remember, that when you chose the Preschool and Child Care Center you did not simply purchase a service, you became a part of the Orchard Hill family.
We realize that by enrolling your child with us, you have entrusted the Center with the most precious person in your life. You have high hopes and dreams for them, as does our staff. As the year progresses, we are confident that you will see many of these hopes and dreams realized through the help of the Center staff. In the meantime, if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions please do not hesitate to contact me at the center office.
In Christ,
Jennifer L. Gray – Center Director